(dollar = 100 cents)


Last 120 days

Text Box: 	The dollar (FJD) was reintroduced in 1969, replacing the Fijian pound at a rate of 1 pound = 2 dollars. 
Text Box: Import / Export restrictions:
	Foreign currency:
  In: declaration if more then 5 000 JMD (2 890 $)
 Out: up to previously declared
	Local currency:
  In: free
 Out: free up to 500 FJD (289 $)

NOTES in circulation (2012+)

Oval: to the rates

FJD  100 (2012)

FJD  50 (2020) comm

FJD  50 (2012)

FJD  20 (2012)

FJD  10 (2012)

FJD  5 (2012)

FJD  7 (2017) comm

FJD  100 (2007)

FJD  50 (2007)

FJD  20 (2007)

FJD  10 (2007)

FJD  5 (2007)

FJD  7 (2017) ŝáèëċéíà

NOTES in circulation (2007)

older valid, but outmoded NOTES

FJD  50 (2002)

FJD  50 (1996)

FJD  20 (2002)

FJD  20 (1996)

FJD  10 (2002)

FJD  10 (1996)

FJD  5 (2002)

FJD  5 (1996)

FJD  2 (2002)

FJD  2 (1996)

FJD  2 (2002)

Coins in circulation (2012)

Image result for fiji coins in circulation


NOTES and COINS we buy

buy / sell

% fixing

Valid till:


FJD  100, 50, 20, 10, 5 (2012); 7 (2017) commemorative

xx / xx %

in circulation

FJD 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 (2007)

xx / xx %

in circulation

FJD 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 (1996, 2002)

xx / xx %


older dollars (1968+); pounds, shillings (before 1968)

xx / xx %

redeemable ?






dollar 2, 1; cents 50, 20, 10, 5 (2012)

xx / xx %

in circulation

 all older coins (1969+), should be also valid or redeemable

xx / xx %

redeemable ?


(sq km)

Population (2005)


Ethnicity / Religion

Life duration

GDP per capita

(world position)

18 270

905 949

English (official)

Christian  52 %

male 67.05

2004 : 5 997 (88)

Suva 177 300


Hindu 38 %

female 72.14

2005 : 6 000 (121)



Islam 8%