(pataca = 100 avos)


Last 120 days

Text Box: 	The ‘pataca’ banknotes are issued by the ‘Banco Nacional Ultramarino’ (BNU) and the Bank of China(BoC). The name "pataca" is derived from a formerly popular silver coin in Asia, the Mexican peso (eight reales), known in Portuguese as the pataca mexicana.  The Chinese name for the currency is yuan (圓), which is the same word for Chinese yuan, New Taiwan dollar, and Hong Kong dollar.
	On December 20, 1999, the day Macao was return to China, banknotes of all values (except for 10 patacas) by both banks were reissued with that date to commemorate the return.
Text Box: Import / Export restrictions:
	Foreign currency:
  In: free
 Out: free
	Local currency:
  In: free
 Out: free

NOTES in circulation (1992+)

Oval: to the rates

outmoded –10%

outmoded –10%

MOP 100 (2012 comm) BoC

MOP 100 (2009) BoC

MOP 100 (2005)(153*76.5mm) BNU

MOP 100 (1999,95 similar) BoC

MOP 100 (2003,99,92 similar) BNU

MOP 10 (2009) BoC

MOP 10 (2005)(138*69mm) BNU

MOP 10 (2001) BoC

MOP 10 (2003,01 similar) BNU

MOP 10 (1991)(138*69mm) BNU

MOP 10 (1995) BoC


MOP 10 (2014comm) BNU

MOP 10 (2014comm) BNU

MOP 10 (2013comm)

MOP 10 (2013comm)

MOP 10 (2012comm)

MOP 10 (2012comm)

outmoded –10%

outmoded –10%

COINS in circulation (1992+)


MOP 20 (2019) comm

MOP 20 (2009) BoC

MOP 20 (2005)(143*71.5mm) BNU

MOP 20 (1999,96 similar) BoC

MOP 20 (1999,96 similar) BNU


NOTES and COINS we buy

buy / sell

% fixing

Valid till:


MOP 1 000 (1998+); 500 (1990+); 100,50 (1992+); 20 (1996+); 10 pat.(2001+)

xx / xx %

in circulation

we buy the older notes (outmoded) 10% less then the rate byu

xx / xx %



10 patacas (BNU-1991, BoC-1995) were redeemable till 26.5.2009 !!!


no more










patacas 10 (1997+), 5 (1992+), 1 (1998+); avos 50, 20, 10 (1993+)

xx / xx %







(sq km)

Population (2005)


Ethnicity / Religion

Life duration

GDP per capita

(world position)


449 198

Cantonese 88 %

Buddhist 50 %

male 79.29



Hokkien 4.4 %

Roman Catholic 15 %

female 85.09

2005 : 19 400 (53)






MOP 1 000 (2009) BoC

MOP 1 000 (2005,+)163*81.5 BNU

MOP 1 000 (1999,95 similar) BoC

MOP 1 000 (1999,91,88 similar)BNU

MOP 500 (2009) BoC

MOP 500 (2005+)158*79 BNU

MOP 500 (1999,95 similar) BoC

MOP 500 (2003,99,90 similar) BNU

MOP 50 (2009)(148/74) BoC

MOP 50 (2008) BoC

MOP 50 (1999,95 similar) BoC

MOP 50 (1999,92 sim)(148*74mm) BNU

50 avos (1993)

20 avos (1993)

10 avos (1993)

10 patacas (1997+)

5 patacas (1992+)

2 patacas (1998+)

1 pataca (1992+)